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Aciedactylus mandocaris
Abilities and Weapons:
strength, teeth, claws, senses, tail whip
Foraging macropredator
Skull Island
First Appearance:
"The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island" (from 2005)
Carnivore (shellfish, mollusk and crabs)
Length: 3.6-4.5 meters
Weight Estimated: 1-1.5 tons |
Rescued from extinction during the 1938 expedition on Skull Island.
Aciedactylus mandocaris ("sharp-edge fingers devourer of crab") is 12-15 feet long (3.6-4.5 meters) species of theropod dinosaur that is found on Skull Island. The animal is described in the book "The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island" (from 2005).
Aciedactylus is specialized in eating shellfish, mollusk and crabs in the swampy estuaries and mangroves. Broad, splay-toed feet kept this dinosaur from sinking into the sodden mud and sand, but the most peculiar adaptation of this dinosaur was the second pair of nostrils mounted on top of it's triangular nasal crests.
Aciedactylus's primary nostrils could pinch shut when exhaling, forcing air into the resonating crests and small secondary nostrils to trumpet calls to one another. The main function of these secondary nostrils became clear during feeding. Sealing the primaries, Aciedactylus could breathe through the high-mounted secondaries while most of its head was down in the shallow water or mud of the estuary, grubbing for shellfish. Its teeth were short and thick for crushing mollusk and crab shells.
The placid theropod defended itself with long bladelike claws on its fingers, flexing and brandishing them at potential threats to warn them away.
- Aciedactylus is one of many theropod concept designs meant for King Kong that was eventually scrapped due to the large amount of similar looking theropod carnivores in the film. It would later be canonized in the The World of Kong book.