King Kong Wiki

Ambulaquasaurus cristarufus, meaning "Red-crest Water-walk-lizard", is a species of dinosaur that is found on Skull Island. The animal is described in the book "The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island" (2005).

Ranging in length from 13 - 14 feet long and weights 140 - 160 kg, 3'9 - 4 feet at the hip, Ambulaquasaurus looks a lot like Peracerdon, except it has a heavier body. The head is long and narrow, the forearms have large claws, and the long tail is used for balance. Along the spine are a series of reddish fins. Ambulaquasaurus is a greenish blue bipedal theropod of about 13 – 14 feet long. It is lightly built, which betrays its dromaeosaur ancestry. The skull is markedly different from its ancestors and appears to have adapted for catching fish; the jaws are long and practically toothless except for forward-facing, needle-like teeth placed at the front of the mouth. These are ideal for catching fish and resemble those of the fish-eating gharial from Asia. Ambulaquasaurus also has several thin, orange crests on its skull and back, which look slightly similar to the dorsal fins of some fish, although their function is unknown; they might play a role in mating rituals or communication.
