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Lividuvespa alaramus
Abilities and Weapons:
flight, stinger, size, eyes
Pursuit mesopredator
Skull Island
First Appearance:
"The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island" (from 2005)
Wingspan: 2.7-3.3 meters
Weight Estimated: 9.2-13.5 kilograms |
Unknown. Presumably rescued by expeditions.
Lividuvespa alaramus ("alarming blue-black wasp") is a gigantic wasp-like insect that is described as "a piranha with wings". They have a wingspan of about 9-11 feet (2.7-3.3 meters), hunting large spiders such as Stickalithus, Megapedes and even birds like Hylaeornis, around the Island.
The largest flying insect to have ever lived and the largest wasp.
They live in hives and bring meat to the queen. The queens are about 4 times bigger than the drones and workers around the hive, but the queen's wings are inappropriately small compared to their large, bulging bodies. The drones do most of the work.
- They function similar to the Tarantula Hawk Wasp in their role in hunting down spiders, just on a gigantic scale.
- Like the majority of arthropods. It is incredibly unlikely for Lividuvespa to not only reach that size, but also to fly. Even in the Carboniferous with actual giant insects such as Meganeura, none of them approached with a wingspan greater than 70 centimeters due to size and atmospheric constraints.
- Like all animals from Skull Island. It is unknown what they faced during the sinking of the island. Given the multiple expeditions, there may be a chance that a few surviving populations was saved off-land to a more stable enclosure.