Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie is a first person shooter action adventure and third person brawler game based on the 2005 film King Kong. It is a collaboration between the film's director Peter Jackson and famed videogame designer Michel Ancel (Rayman, Beyond Good & Evil).
Plot Summary[]
In 1933, a troubled filmmaker, Carl Denham acquires a map to a fabled island which he intends to use as a location for his next film. He hires his friend, Jack Driscoll to pen the script, casts movie star Bruce Baxter and out of work vaudeville performer Ann Darrow as the leads. He commissions the SS Venture, captained by Captain Englehorn to travel to the island located by only his map.
Upon reaching the island, the ship is unable to progress any further due to rocks rendering it stuck and the weather being very bad. Carl Denham took it as a great opportunity to explore the island and decided to organize an exploration party to shoot his film in the island. Several sailors are involved including Hayes, Preston, Choy, Lumpy, Ann, Jack and many others in three separated boats. Jack is in the third boat occupied by Hayes, Briggs, Ann and Carl while the other two boats are occupied by Preston, Choy, Lumpy, Jimmy and an unnamed sailor (possibly Bruce).
The boats set to sail to the island despite Englehorn's protest due to heavy rain and waves, the first two boats are pulled away due to the rough storm and the last boat, occupied by Jack and his teammates is damaged by falling rocks.
Few hours pass as Jack lost his consciousness and is woken up by Ann who informs him that the boat is crushed and one of them, Briggs has been killed instantly while the others survived from the crash. Unable to contact the other two boats, Hayes shoots a flare in the air, hoping to attract the attention of Englehorn and the party moves to explore into the caves. In the caves, they are attacked by creatures that resemble to be crabs in big size. The party eliminated them before proceeding in the open where they have to open the door.
Carl Denham decides to film a test with Ann and asks her to scream which she does so. Suddenly, a loud roar is heard from the seas behind them which then multiple crabs emerge from and attack the party. After a brief gunfight, a very large size Cunaepraedator emerges from the sea which attacks the party as well and is eliminated.
The party progresses on and is now aware that Englehorn is aware of the distress signal but is unable to pick them up because he needs a stretch of water safe enough to land.
Soon after, they meet up with the second boat consisting of Choy, Lumpy and Preston trying to get ashore but despite of their best tries, the rough seas pull them away. Hayes, before they get lost in the fog, told them to land as soon as they can before the party progresses to the catacombs where they are attacked by centipedes in large sizes. After a brief gunfight, Hayes and Carl are separated from Jack and Ann.
Unknown to Carl and Hayes, Jack and Ann progresses on and encounter creatures which resemble scorpions with cobra-shaped tails which are stronger than any form of firearm. They are killed swiftly when Jack and Ann kill them with spears. A while after, they meet up with Hayes and Carl again but this time they are unable to move on together as there is a huge gorge between them. Hayes hands Jack a rifle Englehorn dropped earlier on and they move on in groups.
Making their way, after many close encounters, Jack and Ann are ambushed and captured by the island's natives. Jack is tied to a pole and left to watch Ann offered as a sacrifice to appease a massive ape, whom the natives call Kong.
Carl finds Jack and rescues him, and the two head deeper into the jungle to try and regroup with the others and find Kong as well as rescue Ann from the beast. Soon after, they reunite with Hayes who is armed with a Thompson of which he hands to Jack. The trio progress on and suddenly hear gunfire as well as screams along with roars by an unknown creature of which Hayes mistakes it as the ape. They eventually meet up with Preston, Lumpy, Jimmy and Choy who are crossing a tall bridge in the distance. After a brief warning by Preston of what is described of some kind of huge monster, they are then attacked by a V-Rex who immediately eats up Lumpy, destroying the bridge completely. Jimmy and Choy fall down as the bridge breaks down but Preston got to the other side of the bridge, alive. He then retreats to an unknown location as the V-Rex resumes it's attack to Hayes, Carl and Jack. Jack managed to bait the huge dinosaur by luring his attention to bats and even to himself and after the group reach the dead-end way, the V-rex lost interest of them after hearing Ann screaming for help in the distance.
Jack is separated from Hayes and Carl to find Ann. He eventually does find her and defends her from some Venatosaurus and Terapusmordex, though the latter eventually abduct Ann and Jack is left with nothing to do but watch until Kong swoops in to save Ann. Kong fallows the kidnapping bats throughout the gorges, battling a few other bats along the way until finally the queen bat places Ann on a mesa and leaves her there before finally confronting Kong. After Ann makes her escape through a nearby gate, Kong and the queen bat engage, with Kong emerging the victor, then he unblocks the gate Ann went through in order to find her, but some Venatosaurus have found her first and while one keeps an eye on her the rest battle Kong, only to be defeated, then Kong reunites with Ann but she keeps away from him out of fear and Kong must rush up to her or sneak up on her in order to grab her, and once he does she screams and struggles before finally settling down and getting to know what Kong is really like.
As for Jack, he is forced to continue after Ann and Kong alone into a canyon where he finds Brontosaurus, then has to battle some Megapedes and Scorpio-pedes in some caverns, he eventually locates Hayes and Carl while they were being harassed by Megapedes, then Jack comes to a bridge over the Brontosaurus herd guarded by Terapusmordex. After eliminating the flying rodents Jack must guard Carl and Hayes from Cunaepraedators emerging from the door Carl is opening while Hayes keeps Megapedes at bay, then Jack continues to find more Megapedes fighting each other and a fire to use later. Eventually he rejoins Hayes and Carl while they were still being harassed by Megapedes, all the while some Cunaepraedators attack Jack. Once all predators were taken care of Jack burns some bushes guarding a lever needed for the door and once that was acquired and applied to the post Hayes and Carl open it, Hayes also asks Jack if he had any luck in finding Ann, to which Jack laments that he couldn't get to her. They then came into the Brontosaurus path and they head into a pathway where bushes clog it up, Hayes instructs Jack to get some fire that he had seen earlier down the path and Jack complies, marching with the sauropods, but also encountering some Venatosaurus along the way. Eventually Jack finds a lit urn and with a flaming spear uses it to light a few more urns on the way back. During the trek a V-Rex is heard and the Brontosaurus are sent running, Jack must avoid getting trampled while also repelling more Venatosaurus. Once he rejoins Hayes and Carl, Jack burns the bushes just when a V-Rex arrives and takes interest, luckily the fire fades and the bushes clear so the three men are able to escape to safety.
During their moment of recovery, the trio catch sight of Kong's domain in the distance with Carl speculates that's where he'd live he was king of the island then trademarks the name "King Kong". Trekking into a valley, they are confronted by small Venatosaurus and Terapusmordax. During the scuffle, a voice calls and Hayes recognizes it as Jimmy, who was being attacked by raptors. Quickly Jack, Hayes and Carl come to his aid and after defeating all Venatosaurus, Jimmy gets aboard one of the rafts and rides it down the river while Jack, Hayes and Carl walk alongside on the shore. Upon entering a grotto they see some natives have arrived, and one launched a spear at them. Undaunted the three men keep going until they find themselves imprisoned in a bog, and if that wasn't bad enough, the natives open another door ahead of them to unleash a swarm of Venatosaurus. The trio prevailed however, but more natives attack on a platform over some bushes. Once the bushes have been burned and the platform demolished, they cross a log over the river to join Jimmy, but the natives unleash flaming spears right behind them, forcing them to run for their lives right into more Venatosaurus, luckily Jack boards with Jimmy while Hayes and Carl take the spare raft, and escape more Venatosaurus and more natives throwing spears. Once the danger passes, Hayes asks Jimmy about the others, but Jimmy laments they were all killed and he's the only one left.
Jimmy asks what became of Ann, to which Hayes answers she's with Kong. While Jimmy wonders what is a Kong, Megapedes attack, then natives, which Hayes believes were defending their territory, regardless Jack must burn some bushes their platforms are built over to eliminate them. Then they have some centipedes and bats to contend with. They then come to some rapids and have a rollercoaster ride down to a bridge where more natives attack the explorers. Quickly Jack launches a flaming spear to destroy the bridge at its bases, unfortunately just when it seems they were out of danger, a Vastatosaurus Rex arrives. The tyrannosaur fallows the men from the shore and makes an attempt to bite Jack, only to be repelled. Another V-Rex also joins the hunt, but luckily Jack kills a hostile Terapusmordex to stall the first one. While riding the rapids more bats attack, and Jack also sets a field of grass ablaze to repel the second tyrannosaur and kill some bats, but the second tyrannosaur doesn't give up and tries to snack on Hayes and Carl, but fails. The first V-Rex catches up and tries to attack again, and fallows them into a tunnel but stops there, while the other circles around to cut them off, and when it seemed to be game over, Kong himself arrives from above stunning all, and more so when Ann is discovered with him alive.
While the men were given the chance to get away, Kong and the now lone V-Rex face off. Kong quickly puts Ann down who runs to a gate to getaway from the fight. Eventually Kong defeats the tyrannosaur, but Ann has unwittingly put herself at the mercy of two more in another location. Kong must open the gateway, navigate through a gorge and deal with a nest of Venatosaurus before finally arriving where Ann was. Kong swings in and body-slams one V-Rex while getting the other's attention. Eventually Kong defeats them both one-by-one and checks on Ann, who was recovering from the excitement.
Meanwhile the men have arrived in a marsh where they can't use their rafts anymore and must go for a dip to continue their quest. They hear animal-sounds and later encounter an Udusaur, which Hayes kills, Carl wonders if it was a crocodile due to its shape, though Hayes remarks it didn't look like any crocodile he's seen. While Carl complains about getting his camera wet, Hayes finds more Udusaurs on the hunt, Jack kills a Terapusmordex that swoops in to attack and its body gets fed upon by the Udusaurs, which are then killed by Hayes, and while he Jimmy and Carl swim through the water, Jack stays behind to guard them from more Udusaurs, then it switches around with Jack swimming and Hayes guarding him. They cross through a bog where more Udusaurs lie in wait and a Terapusmordex circling overhead. Once they make it through they hear more animal-sounds and later came to a fire guarded by a bat. After the bat was disposed of Jack walks up the narrow slope leading to the fire and kills another bat before burning the bushes blocking the way. Before Hayes Carl and Jimmy can continue Jack has to kill one more bat and some Udusaurs before once again being the bodyguard on land and vise versa. They then come to a graveyard of sort reeking of rotten meat.
As for Kong and Ann, they continue trekking their own way through the island, but are confronted by a pack of Venatosaurus: while Ann arms herself with a spear, Kong grabs a dead tree and swings it around like a baseball bat to swat the raptors away. Once that was done Kong carries Ann up a column where Ann can light her spear on fire and burn a barricade keeping Kong from going anywhere. In the meantime Kong battles some more Venatosaurus and Terapusmordax until the barricade was clear. Ann goes on ahead and Kong fallows, dealing with more Venatosaurus in the process. Once reunited Kong carries Ann further down the path until arriving in a bog where another barricade was present, quickly Kong puts Ann down, takes out some bats and destroys a door leading into a chamber where fire was. Ann heads in to light a spear, but Venatosaurus and Terapusmordax arrive and nearly overwhelm Kong, fortunately he bests them and carries Ann up a column so Ann can again destroy the barricade while Kong has to deal with more Terapusmordax while waiting. Once the barricade was destroyed Kong progresses to rendezvous with Ann who was waiting at a gate, but the gate gets destroyed by a V-Rex on the other side who chases Ann. Unable to protect her, Kong fallows along from the ledges and comes to a blocked pathway with Venatosaurus and a dead tree he can throw at the tyrannosaur to temporarily incapacitate it. Then Kong tries to clear his way, but another V-Rex arrives and stops him and the two battle while Ann was cornered at a cliff by the first. Eventually once Kong dealt with his tyrannosaur and clears the path, the first V-Rex tries to eat Ann, but she jumps away and lands in Kong's hand. All seems well until Hayes was heard and shoots at Kong with a Thompson M1928, demanding him to release Ann, but his gun jams and Kong takes it as his chance to flee.
Kong leaves Ann temporarily to deal with the men, who gather on a log over a chasm, but Kong twists the log and shakes them off. Jack gets separated from the rest and briefly passes out before hearing his friends' voices and gets to his feet, also finding Carl's camera which got destroyed. Jack meets up with the others, but is still separated by a trench in-between him and the others. Carl calls it quits due to losing his camera, so only Jack, Jimmy and Hayes will continue looking for Ann, and hear her scream. Jack goes off to find her while Hayes and Jimmy continue down on their side.
Ann and Kong have accidentally wandered in close proximity to a natives' village, and the natives become defensive: throwing spears from wooden platforms flanking a blocked gate. Kong throws a dead tree at on group and a stone block at the other, also dealing with Venatosaurus. Once Kong opens the gate, he and Ann continue into the village, where Kong swats more natives away, along with their structures. Then Kong swings over to one area where a cliff-barricade is in place. While Kong deals with the natives and some Terapusmordax, Ann climbs to a platform with an urn, to light a spear, but is confronted by a bat, fortunately the bat is dealt with and Ann sets fire to the barricade. Once the barricade was totaled Kong climbs up the cliff, picks up Ann and swings and climbs through the way out, meeting more natives on platforms along the way which are defeated. Eventually they come to a gate blocked by a brownish cone-shaped pillar and Kong lifts it out of the way, but in doing so summoned a Vastatosaurus, which knocks Kong off the ledge.
Ann runs for her life, but the tyrannosaur goes after her, where they're found by Jack. Ann runs on a bridge leading to Jack, but the dinosaur smartly destroys it to prevent them from reuniting. Undaunted Ann jumps down to the creek below while Jack rushes down to the shore to help her, but the tyrannosaur beats him to her and corners her in a set of pillars. Ann was now completely at the dinosaur's mercy as it destroys the pillars and Jack has to tread through the water in a painfully slow pace, luckily at the last second Jack grabs a spear and throws it into the dinosaur, distracting it long enough for Ann to make her escape. Jack then arrives in a bog where a door was keeping from escaping so while he keeps the dinosaur occupied Ann runs to the door and opens it. Once she finishes both make a break for it, Jack rushes up a ledge while Ann climbs up a mesa, but is stuck there until Jack reaches out to grab her and pull her up. Now that they were safe from the tyrannosaur, they trek into a cave and happily reunite with Hayes and Jimmy, the former declares that it was time to go home.
During the journey through the cave Ann asks what happened to everyone else, to which Jimmy says they were the only ones left. They then hear Kong's voice and Ann believes he's looking for her to make sure she's alright. Despite Hayes' protests Ann tries to assure Kong she was fine and Jack accompanies her, where Ann introduces them to each other, and Kong, satisfied that Ann was fine and Jack wasn't a threat leaves them be.
The quartet come to a cave where Hayes spies a door in an altar, but upon heading there some Venatosaurus were heard and seen, causing the gang to run to the altar where they find two boxes: one with a sniper and one with a shotgun, plus some spears. Wave after wave of raptors attack, then later the sounds of a new predator are heard and a juvenile V-Rex shows up, along with two more raptors, and all three fight each other before eventually all die (both from each other and the humans). With the danger passed they could focus on the door, but one post was surrounded by thorny bushes and the other was missing a lever. Ann and Jack head into one cave nearby to see if they can at least find one of the targets, but must beware 'cause this cave has Megapedes about. They find an urn with fire in a chamber on an island ringed in water, guarded by Cunaepraedators, swiftly Jack lights a spear and throws it into the bushes surrounding the unlit urn beside the waterfall. Ann lights her spear and lights another urn on the way back, narrowly being attacked by a Megapede. After battling another wave of Cunaepraedators and lighting every other urn on the way back they return and burn the bushes. Now Ann and Jack enter the next cave behind a waterfall, where they are confronted by a Venatosaurus and two Megapedes. They then find two more Venatosaurus battling a Megapede in tall grass, which Jack sets ablaze and kills all three at once, then after killing more Megapedes who've come to feast Jack goes to the lever and retrieves it, but must watch out for more Megapedes. Upon backtracking to Hayes and Jimmy, Jack plugs the lever into the post and Ann and Hayes open the door, allowing them to continue.
They then find themselves in a swamp, with another pair of boxes with guns: one sniper and one machine-gun, however some small Venatosaurus show up too. Then they find their path is sealed by bushes, fortunately there are two routes leading to an urn with fire (though one is guarded by Moonspiders), and once the fire was obtained and the bushes were cleared they continue, where they hear Englehorn circling above wondering where they were, Hayes fires a few gunshots to let him know where they were. They come to a pond and while Hayes, Jimmy and Ann cross Jack stands guard, killing an Udusaur that was homing in on the others. Later they came to a temple where Hayes believes it will make a good lookout, but it was already taken by a hoard of Terapusmordax lead by a queen. After taken some normal-sized bats out everybody get up top to face the queen and eventually kill her. Then they hear Englehorn again, of which Hayes deduces he was trying to lead them somewhere, to which Ann theorized he may have found a water-body beyond the swamp that he could land on, so they fallow. They meet one more bat, then get attacked from behind by Udusaurs, then a trio of Venatosaurus arrive waiting for them. After the raptors were dealt with, they find a case with a sniper, clearly left by Englehorn. Jack accepts the sniper and they continue through the waterway to another temple, where they journey underneath. They are confronted by more Udusaurs, making Jimmy remark that the island is a nightmare, which Hayes heartily agrees with as they come out of the temple.
They enter a cave, where they hear Englehorn again, and then come across a lake big enough for Englehorn to land, much to their happiness. Everybody rejoice, but it was ruined when a V-Rex shows up and forces Englehorn to abandon the others, who flee up to a temple with the tyrannosaur coming after them. Upon getting passed the temple, the tyrannosaur tries to break through, but couldn't. Hayes and Jimmy lament they were now trapped and could do nothing to stop the dinosaur, but Ann proposes one idea: summon Kong. Hayes strongly opposes: not having any trust or faith in Kong at all, but doesn't have an alternative. Ann urges him to at least listen to her and was just about to climb a mesa to light a fire for Kong when the V-Rex took a detour to get to them. They hide in a viaduct, but Ann makes a mad dash back to the mesa to alert Kong, much to Hayes' dismay. Jack fallows to distract the tyrannosaur, such as with slaughtering a few Terapusmordax attacking him or Ann. Eventually Ann lights a fire and shouts for Kong, who responds with a roar and arrives. Hayes however tries to prevent the reunion by shooting at Kong with a tommy-gun, but in doing so took his eyes off the V-Rex, who promptly tramples him like a bug (much to Jimmy's horror) before plowing into Kong.
Both beasts tumble off the cliff before settling in a field. Kong and the V-Rex engage, while Ann helps out by throwing some flaming spears at the dinosaur. Terapusmordax also join the event, having been attracted by the commotion, and confront Ann and Kong. Eventually Kong kills the V-Rex, but Ann is then kidnapped by a queen Terapusmordax intent on eating her. Kong clears a path in his way and a chase ensues: where Kong scales walls and swings on tree-branches, plus battling more Terapusmordax en-route, to rescue Ann. Eventually the queen bat imprisons Ann on a mesa and with another engages Kong. Kong throws a tree at one queen, and during the fight the pair summon more bats to distract Kong so one of them could attack, but this made no difference: Kong eventually defeats the two queens, then goes to Ann, where she is standing beside a blocked gateway. Kong opens the gateway, and after picking up Ann, makes his way down the path to a volcano. Carefully Kong navigates through it and comes to a spring in front of his lair, but three V-Rexes were there too. Kong descends and after placing Ann at a tree overlooking a waterfall, engages the tyrannosaurs. Kong is clearly meeting his match here as he has to deal with three V-Rexes at once, and protect Ann incase any go for her. Eventually though Kong emerges victorious, then clears the gateway to his lair.
As for the men, Jack and Jimmy have recovered Hayes, but he sadly dies from his trauma. To make matters worse a pair of Venatosaurus arrive and Jimmy, while grieving attacks them. Once they were defeated Englehorn returns and Jack was certain he'll land on the river again. The duo open a door leading back the way they came, but dozens of Venatosaurus and Terapusmordax were present in-between them and Englehorn. The two battle their way down to the river, where they also find a box with a tommy-gun and some fire to burn some bushes to clear the way. They eventually reach Englehorn, and Jack encourages Jimmy to get aboard first, who at first refused to without Ann, but relents, while Jack plans on heading to Kong's lair to find Ann.
Now flying solo, Jack makes his way to Kong's home, receiving a sniper from Englehorn in the process. He arrives to the stairs leading to Kong's lair, but dozens of Pugbats were present and Jack must battle them on the way in. He then comes to a chamber where two juvenile V-Rexes have staked a claim. While the tyrannosaurs were distracted Jack runs to a dwelling and finds more sniper ammo, and kills some bats who try to eat him. Once Jack makes it to the other dwelling which contained fire for the bushes in the way, he battles another bat and if he has to the tyrannosaurs, then burns the bushes, allowing him to acquire more sniper ammo in an area where the tyrannosaurs came from, and find a lever guarded by moonspiders. Jack kills a pugbat that attacks him to distract the arachnids and grabs the lever, then heads back to the door and opens it, where a box with a shotgun was waiting. Continuing on Jack comes closer to Kong's lair and finds another box with a sniper, then some pugbats to eliminate. Once he rids the path of bats (though some leave him alone) he makes way into the lair and swims in a stream leading right to Ann and Kong: the latter taking a nap. Jack whispers to Ann who comes to him and the two plan on escaping, but a Cave Serpent ambushes them: Ann screams and Kong wakes up, and while the humans flee, Kong battles the lamprey-like creature, who also brought an army of smaller versions of itself to subdue Kong. Kong eventually kills the serpent, but two more arrive, however they too are beaten, then Kong goes looking for Ann, who along with Jack leap off a ledge down to a river below, then swim to a raft and ride downstream. Ann thanks Jack for coming back for her, and believes Kong will fallow them, though she defends him too, even though she maintains that they don't belong on Skull Island. A moment of silence passes before Kong suddenly lands right behind them, and was unhappy.
Jack and Ann flee down the river with Kong chasing them. They come to the cave where Jack and Carl had ventured in to rejoin Hayes, then they come to the door, which has been damaged, and a juvenile Vastatosaurus Rex was present and kills a Venatosaurus it was fighting, then a Terapusmordax. Jack and Ann take advantage of the squabble to getaway, but find the path Jack took into the island has been taken over by bushes, and the V-Rex has noticed them, forcing them to hide in the viaduct. Jack sneaks off to the dwelling the fire was in, and another Venatosaurus arrives. Once Jack burns the bushes, Kong's roar is heard, and is later seen climbing a cliff ahead of Ann and Jack, clearly looking for them. They bolt, but Ann fears Kong will fight their friends when they reunite. Kong reaches an arm through the crevice to find anything, and once he gave up Ann and Jack get to an outpost.
The two continue back further down where they came from, and see Kong in the distance. Ann detects the smell of scavengers, and much like last time, Kong has left a massacre of dromaeosaurs in his wake. A living Venatosaurus kills a Terapusmordax feasting on a dead raptor, then turns its sights on Ann, but is killed. Then Jack burns some bushes and then confront more (albeit smaller) Venatosaurus (who came to cannibalize on their bigger relatives) and two more bats. After the last of the raptors have been dealt with the humans press on, where they witness Kong go back the way he came, then come to a patch of tall grass, and three natives setting it ablaze. Once the fire dies the two make a run for it, getting bombarded by more flaming spears before they make it closer to the gate.
Upon coming into the bog where Jack had his first encounter with Venatosaurus, they find bushes have taken over. Jack burns the bushes, where they hear the sounds of Megapedes and Venatosaurus, but never see them. They eventually return to the wall, where it looks empty of natives, though Ann begins to feel uneasy believing it wasn't empty and looks around to find way across the gorge separating them from the wall, eventually climbing the altar and onto the bridge used in her sacrifice. Jack attempts to tell something to Ann, but the wall's urns light up, showing that the place wasn't empty after all. Ann tries to run back, but the bridge raises with her and Ann is captured while Jack is left to watch. Kong eventually catches wind of Ann in trouble, and breaks into the gate in the wall to find her. Kong battles squads of natives before finally coming to a blocked pathway, and once he opens it, eliminates more natives and plows through a gateway leading into a volcano, where Ann was imprisoned. Kong frees her and then climbs a column to allow her to burn a cliff barricade in their escape-route. After that they fall into a pond on the beach. Ann warns Kong of the impending trap, but Kong has little choice but to go to the beach, where two sailors fire their guns and chloroform-canteens are blown up in Kong's direction, enveloping the entire beach in sleeping gas. Kong was able to put Ann in a safe place before passing out.
As the Venture crew come to shore to retrieve Kong, Carl stands on his hand in glee. Ann berates Carl, but Carl assures her that Kong will live since he has no intention of killing him anyway, while reveling in the fame that is sure to come when they return to New York with Kong.
Kong is eventually brought aboard in the Venture, and brought to N.Y.C, where Kong is kept chained on a stage on the street. Once Carl unveils him, the people are awed while Kong struggles with his restraints, eventually letting out a roar and breaking free, sending the crowd running. Kong destroys some searchlights with soldiers watching out for him, then destroys one of two fences and begins exploring the streets. Police-cars move in to intercept them, and are assisted by two military-trucks armed with powerful cannons. Kong destroys the trucks and any police-cars that get in his way before flipping over a bus parked in the route to the Empire-State-Building. Once he moves the bus out of the way, he continues to the skyscraper, but more trucks were lying in wait, with two firing at him. Kong comes to a barricade of trucks and people ahead of him, and when he turns back, two more trucks come out of hiding to trap him, and just when they were about to kill him, Ann arrives from the crowd to save Kong, who picks her up, then looks at the Empire-State-Building and gets an idea: with Ann nestled on his shoulder, Kong scales the corners of the skyscraper. Kong's climb takes him and Ann closer to the top, and once they reach it, Kong hangs on the antenna as fighter-biplanes arrive to kill him. Kong refuses to go down without a fight: he punches and grabs any plane that gets too close, but the gunshots from the planes later begin taking their toll on him, and eventually Kong could fight no more: he looks at Ann one last time before plunging down to the ground while Ann watches.
Back on the street, a crowd gathers around Kong's body. A policeman tries to get everybody to leave since the planes had done their job, though Carl believes it wasn't the planes that killed Kong, but beauty.
Alternate ending[]
An alternate ending to the final level can be unlocked if 100% of game is completed with sufficient enough points gained.
The same plot is followed, with Kong taking Ann up to the empire state building and fighting the planes. However, the fight process is no longer a endless survival. Kong has to destroy enough planes while surviving for a set amount of time, until a exclusive new sequence occurs.
After enduring too many downed men, the biplane forces activate the Empire state building's spotlights to disrupt kong and ensure a clear visible target. Jack and Englehorn intervene on his biplane to stop them from harming kong. Jack works together to destroy the spotlights and take out any antagonizing biplane forces. When the first spotlights are destroyed, a back up set is activated. Kong safely climbs down the empire state building, ultimately preventing his death.
A ship is taken back to skull island, where Ann and Englehorn or Jack witness Kong releasing a victory roar on his moutaintop home, celebrating his survival. The ship swims back away from skull island, assuming a happy ending.
Differences from the 2005 film[]
The plot loosely follows the film on which it is based, however, it diverges in many ways in order to make it better fit the flow of an action game.
- The story starts with the arrival at Skull Island, leaving the ship.
- The ship does not hit rocks and begin to sink or beach, as a result Carl, Jack, Ann and Preston do not go ashore behind Englehorn's back, in fact they are accompanied by Hayes.
- Also each boat lands in a separate location.
- Fewer crewmembers go ashore initially. Englehorn doesn't go ashore at all.
- Englehorn doesn't go ashore by boat, however he's periodically seen in a seaplane and makes supply drops.
- The shore party encounters the creatures of the island long before the natives.
- Ann will assist in combating the enemy monsters. She has also been given abilities not seen in the film such as medical knowledge and climbing skills.
- The Terapusmordax lack visible ears.
- Jack witnesses Ann's abduction by Kong.
- The crew do not return to the ship after their encounter with the natives, only to return after Ann's kidnapping.
- Jimmy fights with spears instead of guns.
- Lumpy looks completely different (ignoring the sailor who was going ashore that looked more like him), he is eaten by a V-Rex instead of being killed by Carnictises, which are in fact absent from the game.
- The natives appear in other levels sometime after Ann is offered to Kong, while the natives in the film didn't appear in the rest of the movie.
- A pack of Venatosaurus are seen running from Kong and later attacking the ape, while in the film Kong doesn't battle or encounter any Venatosauruses.
- An adult V-Rex kills a Brontosaurus and some Terapusmordax, and a juvenile V-Rex sometimes go after the Venatosaurus and bats, which the species never do in the film.
- Choy's death is not witnessed.
- Baxter dies in the game (although his death is not seen).
- There are no enemies in the chasm after the log fall.
- After rescuing Ann, Kong initially does not try to stop her leaving with Jack, Hayes, and Jimmy, in fact when Ann introduced him to Jack and assured he was a friend of hers he seems to approve of her being with him.
- Carl departs from the group after the camera breaks and returns to the ship at which point he plans the ambush for Kong.
- Hayes is trampled by a V-Rex instead of being killed by Kong, though he manages to live long enough to tell Jimmy to get back to the ship.
- Ann is taken by Kong a second time, but this time, it's because she called him, so he would defend her and the others from a V-Rex.
- When Jack goes to Kong's lair to rescue Ann, Kong is woken by Ann's screams when she and Jack were attacked by a cave-serpent, instead of Kong just randomly waking up. Also instead of bats attacking Kong, there are the cave serpents attacking.
- The natives of the wall are encountered again by Ann, Jack and Kong when they return to the wall, and Kong battles the sailors on the beach rather than in the village.
- On a related note, the humans don't flee from Kong in boats, nor is Ann restrained in one, nor does Jimmy try to shoot Kong with a tommy-gun, and nor does Englehorn fire a harpoon at Kong, in fact Jimmy and Englehorn weren't present at all in the capture (though Englehorn was seen flying around in his plane in the level after), plus Kong passes out on the beach itself rather than in the water.
- Kong is not kept in a theatre in the game, and instead just kept on a stage in an alley.
- Jack does not try to lure Kong away with a taxi, in fact Jack's not even seen here.
- Kong's final standoff against the biplanes happens at night instead of at Dawn.
- There is an alternate ending in which Kong survives the assault by the airplanes, with the help of Jack and Englehorn, and is returned to Skull Island.
In the game, the player assumes the roles of both New York scriptwriter Jack Driscoll and the legendary giant gorilla, Kong as they struggle to survive the threats of Skull Island in 1933.
PS2, Nintendo DS, Xbox, Xbox 360 and PC[]
Jack Driscoll Levels[]
Jack's levels take the form of a first person shooter. Jack can carry one gun and one spear, though he must drop his spear to use his gun. Guns must be readied to shoot, they can be fired from the hip or aimed down sights for better accuracy at the cost of mobility, and he cannot have two types of guns at once. They can also be used to melee enemies to gain some breathing room. Spears can be used to stab enemies or be thrown to impale them, and can be lit on fire for greater damage. On certain occasions the player will be left defenseless and having no alternative but to run from enemies.
There are also some puzzle solving and exploration elements with certain areas being blocked by bushes which must be burned to proceed. Spiders may be in an area which will attempt to eat Jack if he comes too close, they must be lured away from the area by using small creatures as bait. Handles for door cranks may need to be retrieved in order to proceed.
In the console and pc versions, Jack will be joined by AI companions in most chapters, who will offer assistance in fights as well as puzzle solving. Weapons can be traded, and they can be talked to.
In the Nintendo DS version, Jack will be joined by only one AI companion at the same time in a few chapters. However, they are very limited in their abilities; they can either solve some puzzles or, in the case of Hayes, shoot at enemies. Hayes makes presence only once while Carl and Ann make a few presences throughout the game. No other NPCs appear in gameplay.
In the PSP version, no AI companions will appear. Jack is always alone.
Kong Levels[]
The Kong levels take place in a third person view with a beat 'em up gameplay style with platforming. Kong can punch, bite, charge, and grab enemies which will result in them being thrown, slammed or ripped apart. He can also use objects/corpses as weapons.
Kong can also pound his chest to go into fury mode, during which the sky becomes tinted with a golden hue and Kong becomes more powerful and less vulnerable to attack.
On larger enemies, such as the V-Rex or the Queen Terapusmordax Kong can perform rapid button-pressing moves to kill them.
Many of the Kong sequences fulfill the role of boss fights, as the giant ape is able to effectively battle the gigantic creatures that Jack's weapons cannot harm.
Gameboy Advance[]
Named, Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World. The game takes on the play-style of a top down adventure RPG.
The game consists of 40 core missions and one bonus stage that must be unlocked to be seen.
- The Venture
- Skull Island
- Necropolis
- Scorpions
- The Wall
- Sacrifice
- On Kong's Tracks
- Hayes
- V-Rex
- Ann
- Kong
- The Canyon
- Millipedes
- Brontosaurus
- Jimmy
- On The Raft
- Rapids
- Fight
- Swamps
- Chased by V-Rex
- The Log
- The Skull Islanders
- To Save Ann
- The Cave
- Venatosaurus
- In The Mud
- Call Kong
- Kong to the Rescue
- To the Plane
- To the Lair
- Kong's Lair
- Fight in the Lair
- Free!
- Chased by Kong
- Heading Back
- Back to the Village
- Kong's Capture
- Kong Struck Down
- In The Streets of New York
- Empire State Building/Kong's Death
- Alternate Ending*
Note: * indicates that level must be unlocked.
A playwright from New York. He is commissioned by Carl Denham to write the script for his movie. During the voyage he falls in love with Ann Darrow, Carl's leading lady. Upon reaching Skull Island, Jack goes ashore with the rest of the crew, only to be attacked by vicious creatures and captured by the natives. He heads further into the island to save Ann from the hands of Kong, who the natives seem to worship as a god.
Gameplay wise, unlike NPCs he can be killed rather quickly and in swift manner by the animals.
A down-on-her-luck actress who Carl hired to be the leading lady in his new film. Upon reaching the island, Ann is captured by the natives and offered as a sacrifice to Kong. Ann is a key companion to both Jack and Kong.
Gameplay wise, Ann is the only NPC who can climb to reach areas in order to help the player progress by burning structures using fire. She can also heal teammates, bringing them back in action quickly. However, she does not heal the player and can not utilize firearms but she will use spears in combat.
A movie producer who is risking all he has to make his new movie. Carl cares very little for the safety of the crew, and has been shown to be only interested in finishing his film. His camera is eventually destroyed in an encounter with Kong over a log bridge. Deciding he cannot leave the island empty handed, he plots to catch the great ape himself, in order to profit off him.
Gameplay wise, Carl cannot use firearms to fight but he will use spears instead. He will most of the time use his camera after killing certain enemies.
Englehorn's first mate. A former infantry man in World War I. Hayes still carries the mindset of a soldier, his first priority is the safety of those around him, and he is constantly aggravated by Denham's recklessness and dismissal of impending danger.
Gameplay wise, Hayes is the only NPC who will use firearms to attack enemies. If his firearm runs out of ammo or has no firearm in possession, he will use spears to fight in a similar manner of the other NPCs.
In specific events, he will refuse to exchange weapons with the player. For strange reasons, he deals very low damage against enemies when using firearms.
- Kong:
A 25-foot gorilla who is the last of his kind. You can play as Kong in the game. He protects Ann and kills different creatures in her defense. He can climb walls, lift stone pillars, swing from branches and even unlock pathways. He is killed when he is shot down and falls from the Empire State Building, although he can be saved and returned to his lair on Skull Island in the alternate ending.
Captain of the Venture, Englehorn flies around the island in a seaplane, dropping crates of ammunition. He comes to retrieve Jimmy while Jack heads to Kong's lair in To the Plane. He is playable in the alternate ending, as he pilots the plane the player uses to try and save Kong.
The youngest member of the Venture crew. He came ashore in another boat along with Preston and Lumpy.
Gameplay wise, like Carl and Ann, he can only use spears to fight. Jimmy is later rejoined with the group in the level 'Jimmy', but leaves your group in 'To the Plane' additionally with Hayes' death, you are alone from then on.
Carl's assistant who ventures ashore with Lumpy and Jimmy in another boat. He is the only one of his group (Jimmy and Lumpy) to make it across the ravine. How he died is UNexplained. When Jack, Carl, and Hayes find Jimmy, Jimmy says that Preston was killed. But that is unlikely since in the V-Rex level when Lumpy and Jimmy's team is on the bridge, he is the only one not to fall down into the ravine and as he is also seen alive in the last level 'Kong Struck Down'.
The cook onboard the Venture, Lumpy went with Preston and Jimmy in another boat. He is eaten by a V-Rex after a failed attempt to defend Jimmy in the level V-Rex. But there is a model in The Venture on the second boat along his other model with a yellow shirt with long sleeves who has Lumpy's face. It is mistaken or meant to be Choy.
- Choy:
Lumpy's assistant on the second boat along with the others, it is unknown who Choy was, but possibly was supposed to be the one with the hat, because there is a sailor beside him on the second boat with long yellow sleeves that looks more like Lumpy. Choy's model is seen in the V-Rex level, but was meant to be Lumpy.
Is one of the sailors with the rest of the crew, he is seen on the third boat with Jimmy. He and Jimmy are seen again in the V-Rex level and he and Jimmy fall into a chasm which sends them to an unknown location. Baxter's body is seen on The Canyon level, implying he was killed by the Terapusmordax stationed on a bridge nearby as he is covered in deep wounds. Another body can be seen similar to his in To Save Ann but it is unknown who this sailor was. His model looks similar to Briggs's because they both look the same.
A sailor who tries to come ashore with the main cast, but is killed when a rock falls on the boat.
Several of the Venture crew go ashore and are killed by the island's vicious inhabitants. Choy and Bruce Baxter are among them. Baxter's body is seen in The Canyon. He is believed to have been killed by the Terapusmordax.
Pictures Of The Characters[]
- Pistol (Luger P08)
- Shotgun (Winchester 1897)
- Sniper Rifle (Gewehr 98)
- Machine Gun (Thompson M1928)
- Native Spears
- Bone shards
Island Creatures[]
Around 13 specific offensive creatures appear in the game, but these can be grouped into generalized categories: V-Rexes, Venatosaurus, Terapusmordax, Skull Island Neopedes (Mainly Megapedes and Scorpio-pedes), Cave Serpents, Cunaepraedators, Moonspiders, and the Skull Island Natives.
The most powerful foe in the game, V-Rexes are larger descendants of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. They are huge predators with a bite that kills, the brute strength to break down stone structures, and armored hides that even a shotgun cannot penetrate.
As Jack, V-Rexes are invulnerable, which is annoying to first-person shooter fans; only Kong can injure or kill one, though Jack shooting a V-Rex can temporarily stall it and slow its progress. Around 15 in total are encountered in the game; 8 (9 if you count the one Kong killed in the cutscene before the level Ann) adults are killed eventually by Kong. Only 1 is killed by Jack in the level Rapids if you count the glitch in that level, though it shouldn't count because that same V-Rex is supposed to appear at the end of the level and prepare to fight Kong in the beginning of the next level.
Two varieties exist; the near-invincible adults and the killable (but barely) adolescents. The juveniles can only be encountered as Jack and can stand about 3 magazines of machine-gun fire; the adults can take anything Jack can give out.
Gameplay wise, the adults perform several attacks when facing Kong; charge, tail-whip, head-butt, and, most devastatingly, tackle in a which a V-Rex tackle will force Kong on his knees and could kill him with one bite to the neck.
NPCs will die on the second bite where a death animation will depict the dinosaur devouring completely the NPC in question. In scripted events, they may get devoured instantly from the first bite.
Jack will often survive the first bite by a V-Rex if he keeps moving, but he will die in one bite if he stays still. Approaching too close to a V-Rex's foot will instantly kill him and get him devoured as well. This does not apply to NPCs.
Snake-like creatures encountered only in the level Fight in the Lair and used as cover for Jack and Ann to escape the giant gorilla. The beasts are very hard to grab as Kong and can slither on walls.
Gameplay wise, they attack Kong by lunging out open-jawed at him and will make a move on ripping out his throat when Kong grabs one successfully.
2 forms are seen; the 50 foot females and the much smaller males.
2 species of Skull Island dromaeosaurs, Venatosaurs are better known by the larger species, V. saevidicus. The larger animal is a pack hunter, using numbers to herd prey into an ambush or operating singly to hunt smaller prey, like Jack. They're typically a greenish shade with a slight blue or silver tint on the back.
Despite their formidable hyper-extendable claws, they only attack with their jaws. The smaller species, V. impavidus, operates in small groups and is surprisingly weak in terms of endurance: even a broken spear can kill them in one hit. The V. impavidus is a steely gray color with blue-black markings on its back. V. saevidicus can take about 50 machine-gun rounds; with V. impavidus only 2 to 5 shots will do.
Gameplay wise, neither will pursue you into water, which can be used to your advantage: even a puddle will keep them away from you. The larger species can drag NPCs with their jaws before tossing them aside and biting them to death (this is also done with the megapedes). This does not apply to Jack as he will die after being dragged for a while. The smaller species cannot do this, but will repeatedly bite and claw with their hands until their target dies.
The flying enemies of the film and game, the flying rodents of the family Voluceratidae were indigenous to the island and characterized by the vicious 4-foot tall Terapusmordax. This species is the only one in the game, with the mountain species aside. The 3 Terapusmordax encountered are either juveniles, adults, or the huge Queens. The juveniles and adults are innumerable foes, while only 5 Queen Terapusmordax are ever seen, 3 killed by Kong to save Ann. The pups are dog-sized, while the adults are man-sized monsters. The Queens are the size and bulk of pickup trucks yet can be slain by man. Pups and adults attack Jack by slashing with their foot claws and cling to and nip at Kong.
The Queens swoop down screaming at either Jack or Kong. All but the Queens can take up to 8 machine-gun rounds, whereas the Queens can withstand 2 magazines of machine-gun rounds, when fought as Kong, the normal-sized ones can be beaten in just one hit, while the queens usually require three or four hits; due to their circling flight, they are harder to hit. A second variety of flying predator appears in the mountain ruins near Kong's Lair. By their looks it's possible they are actually Pugbats, but could also be Skin-Birds due to their choice of habitat. In the Xbox 360 version, they look the same as Terapusmordax.
This family of Skull Island exclusive centipedes is represented in the game by the generic Megapede and the Scorpio-pede. The Megapede is a large basically-built centipede that can climb on walls, swim, leap out at threats, and constrict humans.
They make their homes in holes of walls in caves or near water; the best way to avoid an attack is to shoot at any holes until a satisfactory shrill of death is heard from the giant arthropod. 'Megapedes' can handle up to 10 machine-gun shots thanks to their rigid exoskeleton.
Another variety of Megapede (possibly one of the canopy species) can be found through the game. These are black in colour, and much slimmer and more agile than regular Megapedes. They will also engage the bigger species in combat. If either type die, the other will feed on it.
Gameplay wise, they will wrap NPCs and bite them in the process, killing them in a few seconds. Jack will die by two attacks by them, comprised only of lunges.
They are actually 3 feet long and herbivorous; they were increased in size and made predatory in the game for thematic reasons. The creatures are distinguished from scorpions by the lack of pincers.
Commonly found in the native ruins and grassy patches in the networks of canyons, Scorpio-pedes will charge Jack with their tail raised to sting him. They are remarkably durable for invertebrates, withstanding up to 25 machine-gun rounds. Both are highly vulnerable to spears, which will split their primitive arthropod armor.
Gameplay wise, NPCs can die after two to three stings by the Scorpio-pede or when being dragged around by the leg. Jack will die by only one sting and while being pulled by his leg. Unlike most other animals, Scorpio-pedes don't play a significant presence in-game: they only appear in three levels and are restricted to the beginning of the game.
- Udusaurs, alternatively known as Swampcrawler:
Amphibious reptiles that appear in the swamps and streams, resembling giant salamanders. They hide on the bottom, only exposing themselves when surfacing in a splash of water to rush their prey open-jawed.
Gameplay wise, they take up to 15 machine-gun rounds to kill, but are hard to hit as they swim rather quickly. Compared to a crocodile by Carl and Hayes. These are the only enemy (besides the cave serpent and Cunaepraedator) who is not featured in the movie continuity. Despite having visible legs, they won't attack anybody out of water, so Jack is safe while on land, and it gives him the advantage of eliminating them while being safe at the same time.
NPCs will be dragged away if they are caught by one of them, resulting in their deaths after a while. This also applies to Jack but he dies quickly.
One of the many native crabs of Skull Island, they are vastly exaggerated in the game, appearing much larger in size, temper and with an aquatic lifestyle as opposed to the terrestrial nature of the originals. All the crabs live near water, whether on the coast, in flooded caves, or even in water tables in the canyons.
They typically rush forth sideways then turn around to snap out at any humans nearby. A really large crab was met on the coast, and was able to tear down native scaffolding in its way. The usual size will succumb from eight or more machine-gun rounds, while the true giant can tolerate 40 similar rounds.
Gameplay wise, like the Neopedes, the crabs are at huge risk from spear attacks. These could be one of several giant crabs found on Skull Island. The Giant Crab makes only one presence in the game.
These nasty little predators are the only truly invincible enemy in the game, as shooting has no effect. The only way to evade them as mentioned in the instruction manual is to bait them away with a captured dragonfly, larva, or baby swampcrawler, or even a slain predator, but throwing a spear on fire will also disperse them to pass safely.
They also kill immediately when they attack, as does falling off a scaffolding and walking into a fire. If Kong leaves Ann unattended and begins to wander away in a Kong level, Moonspiders will attack her.
Besides those events, NPCs are not affected by them.
The natives of Skull Island are hostile towards Kong and Jack and his group. They are easily killed especially while being Kong. While Kong, one hit can take out a group (8 or so).
Jack cannot directly engage the natives, and must fight them by burning down the structures they are standing on. However, Jack can shoot at them: taking only one bullet or spear for a native to be killed.
Harmless creatures[]
- Bait Creatures:
The island is home to 3 types of harmless animals that can be used as bait to distract predatory species. The 3 are the giant dragonflies, a type of larva and the aquatic swampcrawler babies. They can be speared and thrown attached to attract aggressive animals and away from Jack or into the open to be killed by Jack. Dragonflies are always found near tall grass, bushes or reeds; the larva are usually in native structures and caves and tend to be near bone-piles, while swampcrawlers are typically found in pools in caves and occasionally in the jungle. If Jack throws a spear with a bait creature attached at an enemy other enemies will attack it to get at the bait.
A colossal species of Skull Island sauropod, Brontosaurs are found in the canyon migrating to new food resources. They are invincible but can feel Jack's weapons and subsequently stampede. Being kicked by one can be lethal, while being stomped on by one will kill. One is killed out of sight by a V-Rex near the end of the 'raptor relay' of the stage "Brontosaurus".
- Scavenging Birds:
These unidentifiable birds can be seen circling in various locations. If a player is patient, they can be shot and killed.
New York City enemies[]
The enemies in New York City are no different than the natives found on Skull Island, except that they have more advanced weaponry and are a lot stronger.
- Human Soldiers:
These soldiers in New York City use spotlights to find Kong. They will try to shoot him down with their machine guns. They are mostly found on top buildings. Kong can easily kill a Human Soldier with one hit or throwing a car at them.
- Police Cars:
There are many police cars patrolling the streets to hunt down Kong. They are fast and the camera view will change if Kong is being attacked by a police car. Their guns are weaker, but if they shoot Kong enough, they can harm or kill him. Kong can easily speed up with a police car and destroy it with one hit.
- Military Trucks:
These trucks are a real threat to Kong. The trucks don't move, but they are very powerful. They can easily kill Kong with four cannon blasts (three if Kong is already injured). However, Kong can destroy one by hitting it, throwing cars at it or, as on one occasion, jumping from a building and crushing the enemy with his impact. It takes only one hit to defeat them at all. Like with the police cars and searchlight-soldiers, the camera view will be placed on the truck when it prepares to attack.
- Army Biplanes:
The biplanes are the biggest threat Kong will face. They will shoot Kong on the Empire State Building, and fly past him. Though their bullets are very powerful, they are very easy to destroy - Kong can either grab or hit out at them.
List of Deaths[]
- Briggs: Killed when a rock fell on the boat.
- Lumpy: Eaten by a V-Rex.
- Choy: Died of an unknown cause, possibly due to fall.
- Baxter: Killed apparently by a Terapusmordax.
- Hayes: Died of his injuries after being trampled to death by a V-Rex.
- Kong: Fell off the Empire State Building to his death after being shot multiple times by Army Biplanes. (Survived in an alternate ending)
It was released on sixth generation platforms on November 17, 2005, as well as a mobile version also released in Winter 2005, developed by Gameloft[1]. In the United States, the Game Boy Advance version is titled Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World. All film cast members reprise their roles.
The Xbox 360 release featured improved graphics and audio over the sixth generation console releases. The PC download version (known as the "Gamer's Edition", no longer available) also included these improved features.
The "Special Edition" version of the game was available for a limited time. Along with the two standard game discs, included are: A bonus disc, containing concept art and a screensaver; and a making-of disc, containing a featurette with Peter Jackson. There was an error in the printing of the discs and the disc labelled "Making of" was actually the "Bonus" disc and vice-versa. The signature edition also comes with a Topps trading card of King Kong, a code for a downloadable ringtone, and a cover signed by Peter Jackson.
[hide] Reception | |
Review scores | |
Publication | Score | | A-[2] |
Game Informer | 8.5 out of 10[3] |
GameSpot | 8.2 out of 10[4]DS: 2.8 out of 10[5]PC: 8.1 out of 10[6] |
GameSpy | [7] |
IGN | 8 out of 10[8] |
Nintendo Power | 9.0 out of 10[citation needed]DS: 3.5 out of 10[citation needed] |
X-Play | (Xbox 360)[citation needed] |
Upon release, the game received critical acclaim, with critics praising the game's immersive environments, action sequences and ability to switch through two protagonists throughout the game. However, the DS version was panned due to the bugs featured in these versions. And the PSP version received mix reception due to the shorter length and parts cut out from the console and PC versions.
Spike TV Awards for-
- Best Leading Male Performance- Jack Black as Carl Denham
- Best Action Game
- Best Video Game Based on a Movie
The game was humorously awarded the 'Most Long-Winded Game Title' in the "Dubious Honors" category of GameSpot's 'Best of 2005'. It was included on Game Informer's "Top 50 Games of 2005" list and it was placed #10 on the "Top 10 Heroes of 2005" list.[citation needed]
Technical issues[]
Symptomatic of early seventh generation console games, the Xbox 360 version was only correctly set up for HDTV, leaving the image on standard-definition TVs very dark and unsatisfactory for gameplay. As a result, Ubisoft recommended fans buy the Xbox version until a fix for the problem was produced.[12] The patch was eventually released.
The Xbox version is not currently backwards compatible with the Xbox 360.
The PC version is also known to utilize the StarForce copy protection system, which can potentially corrupt the Windows operating system by modifying system files resulting in a boot loop. Warning: This version of Starforce's copy protection is NOT compatible with Windows 7 and your computer will likely not boot up again.
The PlayStation 2 version has a glitch on the level "Kong To The Rescue". When jumping off of the wall and onto the sinking pillar, attempting to jump too late to the other side of the wall will result in Kong completely missing it, flying through, and tumbling outside the game's world, causing death. Another bug is in the level 'Scorpions' where if hugging the wall in the level prior, you can pass through the waterfall with a lit spear which you can then use to burn the bushes in the beginning. This causes the script to break where Ann will be seen as a running shadow on the walls during the swim immediately after. The script returns to normal after you exit the river. Unfortunately, the same trick cannot be used to bring fire into the level 'Brontosaurus' as the waterfall reaches the sides of the exit.
- In June 2019, Microsoft added the Xbox 360 version to the Xbox One's backwards compatible library. It's also available on the Xbox Series X.